Package org.xulux.api.gui

Interface Summary
IContentWidget Interface that widgets must implement if they use content.
IGuiDefaults The GuiDefaults interface.
IInvalidValueStrategy This interface is used to determine how to handle invalid values entered by the user.
INativeWidgetHandler Interface to handle native widgets.
IParentWidgetHandler This interface can be used to clear or initialize parent widgets.
IPropertyHandler The interface for propertyhandlers..
IShowChildWidgets This is an empty interface for container widgets.
IWidget The IWidget interface.
IWidgetInitializer This interface is to be able to add custom destroyers and initializers to widgets.
IXuluxLayout The Xulux Layout interface.
IXuluxToolkit A toolkit is a class that takes care of minor things like beeping etc.
XuluxEvent The XuluxEvent interface.

Exception Summary
PropertyHandlerException This is the exception that is thrown when something goes bad in the processing of properties.

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