The following document contains the results of FindBugs Report
FindBugs Version is 1.1.1
Threshold is Low
Effort is Default
Classes | Bugs | Errors | Missing Classes |
605 | 67 | 54 | 28 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
org.xulux.guilayer.swing.extensions.IconTitledBorder is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
org.xulux.guilayer.swing.extensions.NyxLineBorder is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
org.xulux.guilayer.swing.extensions.NyxTitledBorder is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.layouts.AutoSizeLayoutManager.layoutContainer(java.awt.Container) invokes dubious String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase; use the Locale parameterized version instead | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 119 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.layouts.SwingGridBagLayout.addWidget(org.xulux.api.gui.IWidget) does an unnecessary type check using instanceof operator when it can be determined statically | CORRECTNESS | SIO_SUPERFLUOUS_INSTANCEOF | 53 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to pWidget in method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.layouts.XYLayout.getLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 239 |
org.xulux.guilayer.swing.layouts.XYLayout is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Unread field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.listeners.ImmidiateListener.part | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Redundant nullcheck of org.xulux.guilayer.swing.listeners.NewSelectionListener.widget, which is known to be non-null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.listeners.NewSelectionListener.valueChanged() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 89 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
clone method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.CellPartRequest.clone() does not call super.clone() | BAD_PRACTICE | CN_IDIOM_NO_SUPER_CALL | 114 |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.CellPartRequest.clone() may return null, but is declared @NonNull | CORRECTNESS | NP_NONNULL_RETURN_VIOLATION | 114 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.DefaultComboModel.initialize() concatenates strings using + in a loop | PERFORMANCE | SBSC_USE_STRINGBUFFER_CONCATENATION | 235 |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.DefaultComboModel defines non-transient non-serializable instance field mapping | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.DefaultComboModel defines non-transient non-serializable instance field selectedItem | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.DefaultComboModel is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Should org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.DefaultComboModel$ComboShowable be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Unused field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.MultipleLineHeaderRenderer.scrollPane | PERFORMANCE | UUF_UNUSED_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTableCellEditor defines non-transient non-serializable instance field widget | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTableCellEditor is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTableCellRenderer defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTableCellRenderer defines non-transient non-serializable instance field widget | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTableColumn defines non-transient non-serializable instance field widget | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTableColumn is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTreeCellRenderer defines non-transient non-serializable instance field childWidget | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.NyxTreeCellRenderer defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Field not initialized in constructor: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.SwingTreeModel.tpStack | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class org.xulux.guilayer.swing.models.XuluxTreeCellRenderer defines non-transient non-serializable instance field widget | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method,org.xulux.api.gui.IProperty) invokes dubious String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase; use the Locale parameterized version instead | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 48 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method,org.xulux.api.gui.IProperty) catches Exception, but Exception is not thrown in the try block and RuntimeException is not explicitly caught | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 56 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from java.awt.Component to javax.swing.JComponent in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingParentWidgetHandler.destroy(Object) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 54 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Write to static field org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingToolkit.initialized from instance method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingToolkit.destroy() | STYLE | ST_WRITE_TO_STATIC_FROM_INSTANCE_METHOD | 67 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Load of known null value in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getIcon(String,Object) | STYLE | NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_VALUE | 177 |
Load of known null value in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getImage(String,Object) | STYLE | NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_VALUE | 128 |
Redundant nullcheck of cache which is known to be null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getIcon(String,Object) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE | 154 |
Redundant nullcheck of cache which is known to be null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getIcon(String,Object) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE | 177 |
Redundant nullcheck of cache which is known to be null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getImage(String,Object) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE | 115 |
Redundant nullcheck of cache which is known to be null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getImage(String,Object) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE | 128 |
Redundant nullcheck of icon which is known to be null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getIcon(String,Object) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE | 157 |
Redundant nullcheck of retValue which is known to be null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getImage(String,Object) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE | 118 |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getInsets(String) catches Exception, but Exception is not thrown in the try block and RuntimeException is not explicitly caught | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 216 |
Useless control flow in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getIcon(String,Object) | STYLE | UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW | 149 |
Useless control flow in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.util.SwingUtils.getImage(String,Object) | STYLE | UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW | 110 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Should org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Combo$FocusEventListener be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Entry.setProperty(String,Object) invokes dubious String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase; use the Locale parameterized version instead | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 118 |
Load of known null value in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Entry.initialize() | STYLE | NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_VALUE | 162 |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Entry.initializeValue() concatenates strings using + in a loop | PERFORMANCE | SBSC_USE_STRINGBUFFER_CONCATENATION | 328 |
Unwritten field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Entry.size | CORRECTNESS | UWF_UNWRITTEN_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Redundant nullcheck of type, which is known to be non-null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.MenuItem.initialize() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 109 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to borderSize in method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Panel.refresh() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 156 |
Dead store to titleColor in method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Panel.refresh() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 189 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Field only ever set to null: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TabPanel.repaintComponent | CORRECTNESS | UWF_NULL_FIELD | Not available |
Unwritten field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TabPanel.repaintThread | CORRECTNESS | UWF_UNWRITTEN_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Unread field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TabPanel$RepaintComponent.index | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | Not available |
Unwritten field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TabPanel$RepaintComponent.isRunning | CORRECTNESS | UWF_UNWRITTEN_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Private method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Table.checkContentChanged() is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 355-358 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TextArea.initialize() invokes dubious String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase; use the Locale parameterized version instead | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 115 |
Load of known null value in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TextArea.initialize() | STYLE | NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_VALUE | 155 |
Unwritten field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TextArea.size | CORRECTNESS | UWF_UNWRITTEN_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TextPane.initialize() invokes dubious String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase; use the Locale parameterized version instead | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 115 |
Load of known null value in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TextPane.initialize() | STYLE | NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_VALUE | 154 |
Unwritten field: org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.TextPane.size | CORRECTNESS | UWF_UNWRITTEN_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to $L2 in method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Tree.refresh() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 200 |
Method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Tree.refresh() invokes dubious String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase; use the Locale parameterized version instead | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 228 |
Redundant nullcheck of collapseUntill, which is known to be non-null in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Tree.refresh() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 227 |
Nullcheck of org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Tree.expandPath at line 294 of value previously dereferenced in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Tree.expandToLevel(Object,int) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 291 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to dim in method org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Window.initialize() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 127 |
Useless control flow in org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets.Window.initialize() | STYLE | UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW | 120 |